Recently it seems I’ve been remiss in noticing the awesomeness that is Miss Abigail bean. I always think she’s a cutie patootie and she provides frequent laughs in our family, but we’ve been spending the bulk of our time lately fighting. 

I read a fellow Examiner’s article the other day reminding parents the power of positivity. Specifically, speaking and responding to our children in a positive manner. Abby has taken to responding to things that don’t quite meet her fancy with yelling and seriously outspoken frustration. We talk a lot about using her words and it being okay to be frustrated, but handling it differently. Yes, I know she’s only three, but I want to start filling her ‘toolbox’ now. 

My realization(s)
I realize the way I respond when I’m frustrated is barely any better than how she reacts. It’s almost as if we’re feeding off each other. Hello! [knock, knock, knock] Adult…are you in there? My responses to her were coming off sharper than I intended - she’s my light, she deserves better. Not to mention a better example. 

So how can I expect her to use the tools I’m trying so hard to provide her if I don’t use them myself? I’ve made a conscious effort to watch how I say things to her - it’s amazing what tone can do to otherwise innocuous words. 

 Bedtime? No way! Bedtime has been an ongoing struggle for Abby and me. Throughout the summer we’ve grown lax with the actual bedtime. She’s taking issue to staying in bed and has become truly creative in finding reasons to be out of bed. By the end of the day I’m usually ready for us to have a break from each other - especially given our interactions of late. It’s amazing how much more smoothly things go when I choose to respond to her antics in a more positive manner. Take last night, for instance; at the point when tears would’ve been flowing and loud words would be exchanged, we were instead walking hand-in-hand back upstairs where she was happily tucked snuggly into bed dreaming away. Who wouldn’t melt, when at the bottom of the stairs, she instigated the hand holding with, “Let’s hold hands!” You bet sweet girl!

Rediscovering Abby’s Awesomeness
How completely fabulously adorable she looks when standing on her tippy toes. Her inquisitive mind. Reading books is incredibly extended as she wants to know details of every picture. --“Why that dinosaur have jammas?” “Why that dog in her bed?” “Why he crying…” (Me: he has owies). “Why? I don’ like owies. I got owie, I ‘cwied’ because it hurt.” [Image] Her need to have things just so. If she’s going to dance, she needs to turn on the music, she needs to be wearing certain types of clothes or dress up, mom should not participate until invited to do so and for pete’s sake, don’t sing! How she knows her colors, but delights in making mom think she doesn’t. Her incredibly cautious nature. I love that she’s a safety girl and even wants to wear knee and elbow pads when roller skating on the carpet. When she gets out of bed just one more time because she needs hugs. I want her in bed, but how do you say no to that? When she asks for just one more story by holding her index and thumb finger a bit apart and says, “Just a wittle bit, a wittle one?” Her giggle when you get in a tickle fest or she thinks she’s getting away with something. How she waffles back and forth in declaring her independence: “I a big girl!” to “Abby not big yet.” Her “Phoebe” run - so dubbed by my sister. Remember that Friend’s episode when Rachel is embarrassed to run with Phoebe because she’s so…Free when she runs? That’s Abby’s run. When I ask her what her name is she says: “Abby.” Abby what? “Ab-i-gail.” Abigail what? “Abigail bean.” Yep, but what’s your whole name? “Ab-i-gail ‘Cistine’ Stewart.” As always, I love her because she’s Abby and my very best girl.

*(Originally written/posted on August 15, 2010)
One of my first Abby writings, hope you enjoy. In an effort to mix things up a bit, I'm tossing in some of my favorite Abby writings, hope you enjoy.

Occasionally I play a game with Abby where I just start randomly listing all the things I love about her so I thought I'd see where it takes me.

 Oh how I love Abby, let me count the ways...

1. I love how she can be totally cautious with some things and in the next moment find something to be fearless about.

2. Those beautiful blue eyes

3. I love the way the way Abby uses her tongue-when she's thinking or working hard on something, out it comes. When she's saying sort of a long word that she can't quite get fully, she'll waggle her tongue around to help the cause, like with toodlydoo!

4. Her laugh

5. The way she just randomly lifts up her shirt and then acts all embarrassed about it

6. The way she gets her groove on-she's quite the dancer

7. How she just has to brush her teeth when she sits on the potty

8. What a sweet little mama she is to her dolls & toys

9. The way she just LOVES her grandpas, but takes issue with most other men-until she gets warmed up, that is

10. How it takes her awhile to decide how she feels about things-she doesn't tend to just jump right in. For example, her toy vacuum, her elmo doll-things that are loud-she will often watch first, try later.

11. The way she asks you if you're okay if you cough or make any other abnormal noise. "you okay mama, okay?" Insert your name there-she's very concerned

12. Her hugs

13. Her sweet, face-holding kisses

14. The way she jumps

15. How she likes to play hide-&-seek, but waits in scared anticipation of being found!

16. How dramatic she is-she's definitely her mama's daughter!

17. The way I can't even think about getting her out of the tub unless she "shows" me she's ready by trying to drain the tub herself.

18. Her facial expressions. She's been SO expressive since she was a wee one!

19. The way she says her words, particularly how she kind of draws out her vowels.

20. When she howls after she makes a basket-it's hilarious!

21. Listening to her talk and sing as she's waking up in the mornings.

22. How she'll call for mama at first, but if I don't come quickly enough it soon becomes, "BECCA!!"

23. Those gorgeous blonde curls.

24. How "see me" equals hold me, sit with me in Abby land.

25. The way she just randomly crosses her ring finger with her middle finger when she's sitting idly. (I actually do the same thing-though I never noticed it until I realized Abby did it as well)

26. The way she likes to find a way to put her feet up so she can kick back & relax (she's done this since she was a baby)

27. How she likes to store her specials in various places-the seat of her bike, the designated kid drawer in the kitchen, on her special shelf in the living room

28. How she went nearly 2 years of her life without truly special sleep buddies & now she's practically running out of room for all the things in her bed!

29. When I ask her if she wants to pick out a movie, she'll pull the movies out & instead of looking at the front, she'll study the back as if she's actually reading it.

30. How "amens," means say prayers and she'll want to say "amens" at any old time during the day-not just bedtime.

31. Finally, I love her because she's Abby, the greatest gift I've ever been blessed with!

--Written April 3, 2009

A little over a year later, many of things remain the same, but it's amazing to see the way she's grown in other areas. The one that springs most quickly to mind is the leaps and bounds she's made in regards to her shyness. She's still the last of the great ignorers, but she works really hard to push herself out of her box, it's a pretty amazing transformation to watch. 

As promised, the funnies that make up life with Abby.

This was being written near the 11:00 p.m. hour last night and yes, my child was still awake. I heard coughing so as I'm heading upstairs to get her some cough syrup, she meets me at her door. I've clearly surprised her with my astute offering of medicine, as she eases the door closed behind her, stepping over the threshold. So she takes her medicine, declares herself to be feeling better - "I better now mom, thanks." As I start to grab her hand to tuck her back into bed, she quickly assures me that it's better she do it herself. "Are you sure honey, don't you want me to tuck you in?" "No mommy, I good...(slightly panicked) Don't go in there." Mmm, ruined it for yourself kid. So now I'm giving her a few minutes to see just where this is heading - clearly not back to bed. Apparently she was playing and had decided to throw every last toy in her room all around - party in Abby's room! 

Abby quote of the day: "Look mom, I a pirate!" Upon placing her duck on her shoulder.

Runner up: Coming up to me this afternoon, hands behind her back, she triumphantly declares, "I find footprints!" Huh? The look on her face coupled with those missing hands tells me more is to come...Sure enough, out pops a magnifying glass. Apparently she equates magnifying glasses with footprints, why I do not know, but perhaps I have a budding Sherlock Holmes on my hands.

*(Originally written on July 23, 2010)

Tonight I realized I have the perfect sounding board living right under my own roof...One little miss Abigail bean. I've been working on writing some things for a children's magazine/publication. It's this magazine for babies and toddlers six months to two years, but it's made out of board book material and has no staples, so it's really and truly for the wee ones.

Ironically, my main concern in writing for such a publication was writing something truly kid focused and my ability to write something that wasn't totally lame not to mention accidentally poaching from the many, many children's books I've read over the years. Finally, I realized I was doing that whole self-sabotage-y negative self-talk before I'd ever even tried. As my mom has always said, "You never know until you try." The irony here, of course, is that I've always wanted to be a children's book author...Moral of the story: Man up, bust out the creative thinking, and do some writing!

Back to Abby - thus far she's given me only rave reviews, but children are famously honest so I'm thinking I've found my new go-to girl. Her first review was: "Read it again mom!" Guess I ought to get over the butterflies in my tum and send it off. Keep your fingers crossed for me!